Frankfurt American High School, 1967-1971

FAHS Reunion Selection Committee Protocol

PURPOSE: To review and approve proposals for future reunions that are submitted to this committee and follow a protocol as outlined below:

  1. A “Call for Proposals” will be made each year commencing at the annual business meeting of the current reunion . A Proposal submission deadline can be established each year as needed but should not be later than April of the following year.
  2. Should a deadline for submittals be established, then that final date should be adhered to and no approvals of proposals shall be made prior to that submission deadline.
  3. The Committee shall submit to the Board any questions that are raised by the committee before any proposals are approved.
  4. The Committee will make the final approval and notify the Board of the proposal/s that are approved. If there is more than one proposal, the proposals will be voted on by the membership.
  5. Any proposal that is submitted should follow the FAHS “Reunion Proposal Process” with the exception of a Cruise which will follow special guidelines.
  6. Once a destination is selected for a future year, that destination will be announced at the current reunion’s business meeting and details , marketing and all social media can then commence for that reunion and not prior.

“50 Year” Reunion Celebrations

Each Class will work together within that Class to select a destination where that year’s reunion will be held to celebrate this milestone. It is therefore assumed that only one proposal will be submitted starting with the Class of 67 and ending with the Class of 73.

If at any time a class should fail to submit a proposal for a reunion by January 31st after the previous reunion, then any acceptable submissions will be open to the entire membership.

Submitted by P. (Rowland) Sanchez 6/12/18

Frankfurt American High School Reunion 2011 Photos

Dance in the FAHS Gym, 1966

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