Reunion Assistance Fund Guidelines
(Revision, October 1, 2018)
Frankfurt American High School
Alumni Association
Classes of 1967 – 1973
October 2018
Formed by Board action June 18, 2013
ReunionAssistance Fund Committee (RAFC) Member Makeup
Made up of four members, to include:
- Chair
- Treasurer
- Two Association members
If deemed necessary, the number of committee members may be increased by three additional members.
Committee Members as of June 2018:
- Kathryn Cooney, Chair
- Pat Royal Nicks, Treasurer
- Erik Thamm (appointed by the RAF Chair May 2018)
- Genevieve Cooney, (Appointed by the RAF Chair May 2018)
- Ted Schindler (appointed by President May 2018)
- Linda Buckles (appointed by President May 2018)
- Pam Geiger (appointed by President May 2018)
Reunion Assistance Fund (RAF)
The FAHSAA (67-73) Reunion Assistance Fund (RAF) is a separate, stand-alone fund available to provide financial assistance to members only (not spouse or family members) who due to their economic situation would not be able to attend an upcoming reunion without RAF assistance. This assistance is available to members once every three (3) years, and the amount may be used for some or all of the hotel, registration fee, per dium (maximum amount $ 50 for 3 days), and planned events for two days of the reunion. If there is money remaining, that amount may be used for travel expenses.
The RAF money may NOT be used for any other expenses the member may incur.
Anyone in need of reunion assistance should fill out the request form that is available on the FAHSAA website. Information referencing the RAF shall be on the Annual Reunion official website, and with instructions referring members to the Stand Alone, “button” on the website. These requests for assistance will be on the available form and will be sent directly to the Legal counsel for action by the RAFC.
- RAF Funds will be budgeted by Board action upon request by the Reunion Assistance Fund Committee (RAFC) through an annual budget submission to the Board and via additional voluntary RAF donations.
- The Chair of the FAHSAA Reunion Assistance Fund Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Board. The Committee shall consist of the following members: Chair, Treasurer, and two, up to five, additional members appointed by the RAFC Chair.
- Recipients must be a member in good standing of the FAHSAA, with dues paid for the requested reunion date.
- Information regarding the Reunion Assistance Fund shall be published on the Association’s website with a Stand Alone “hot button” that will lead to a confidential request for assistance form. The Official Annual Reunion website will also reference the RAF with instructions referring members to the Stand Alone “hot button” on the official website.
- Each year, the RAF committee shall review the funding available and set a cap on the amount available per individual in order to assist the maximum number of members.
- The RAF shall provide the membership with an accounting of the total amount in the Fund each year, and well as an accounting of assistance funds awarded, while protecting the confidentiality of all requestors involved.
To help ensure confidentiality, all requests for assistance will be made through the official site using the Request for Assistance form. The Chair of the RAFC will advise applicants that their request for assistance has been approved or denied.
Confidential Request for Assistance Form
Please Note: this link will download a MS Word doc. Please follow the instructions at the bottom of the form. We are working on a web version of the form.