Instructions for Voting on Revised Bylaws
Members who have paid dues for 2018 are invited to vote on the proposed FAHSAA Bylaws revisions, that have already been approved by the Board, and posted on the website on Nov 19, 2018. Voting will be open for 30 days from the date of the posting. This is the first major revision since the Bylaws were adopted in 2002. Most of the changes reflect our transition to web-based information rather than mailed announcements and voting ballots. Major changes include:
- Addition of a Financial Advisor and LegalCounsel to the Board of Directors
- Omitting the requirement that the President be the past Vice President
- Fiscal year has changed to a calendar year (was July1 through June 30)
- Voting on line rather than mailing out ballots
- The website is the official means of communication to membership, not the newsletter
Please note: Wording that is proposed to be removed has been struck through; additional wording/paragraphs are in italics.
Revised Bylaws (PDF)
For reference, here are the current ByLaws.
Please fill out the survey below.
Create your own user feedback survey
If you are on a mobile or tablet device and cannot access the survey above, please use this link.
Note: Name and email is only to verify you are a paid member.
All questions are required.
Thanks for voting!